
Piano for Four Hands

(Apologies for the rudimentary rendering -- Mommy's still learning how to use Windows Moviemaker)


Unknown said...

Dear Liev,
You and your dad gave a wonderful performance. It's so nice to see you enjoying the music. Thank you also for remembering to flash a smile at the camera.
We are ready for an encore whenever you are!
Lots of love,
Grandma & Grandpa
P.S. Your Mom is doing an excellent job directing, filming & editing. I see an Oscar in her future.

lesdmd said...

Bravo Liev!

We are very happy to see that the musical talent has continued to the next generation. This video is a certain nominee for "Best Song" and "Best Cinematography". That smile lock you in for the "Best Actor" prize.
We look forward to your performances, of any kind.
Grandpa and Grandma

JeffMediaTake said...

You know ---I expected that Josh would play well but not that Liev would already play better than I ever did.

nuncle jeff