
Welcome, Summer!

Skills update: I...
  • - regularly crawl on my hands and knees instead of on my belly
  • - can speak multiple words, some intelligible, almost all animal-related (woof, roar, oink, moo, duck, dog... and, oh yeah, Dad)
  • - can sign even more words (useful stuff: eat, milk, more, help, all done, and please)
  • - have trained my parents to get me Cheerios by pointing at the cereal cabinet
  • - can often get food onto a spoon OR a fork, and then get that food into my mouth
  • - am cutting two new teeth (upper molars)
...and just to top off my achievements, today I stood briefly under my own power. Look out, world!

1 comment:

lesdmd said...

Dearest Liev,
What an impressive list of "dos". We are still working on a few of them. Summer is such a great time to experience new wonders, and you appear to be indulging in all of them. You were really brave on the swing. If you like "flying", pretty soon you will love skiing. Can you believe it, almost 1 digit already. See you for your birthday!
Much Love,
Grandma and Grandpa