
Musings on being 4 months old

I noticed I have a dog!
One hand in the mouth is good. Two are better!
Feet are elusive and fascinating.
There are consonants! G is good for saying "goo."
Rolling front to back: fun! Back to front: not so much.
Smiles and giggles are best used liberally:


Unknown said...

Dearest Liev,
As great as the first 4 months have been, the best is yet to come. As wonderful as Gracie is, there may be new pets- Lots of creepy things that you may bring home. The feet thing will get interesting as soon as you discover that they too will fit in your mouth,( along with the hands if you so choose.) The rolling is just a brief "step" in your quest for the ultimate mode of mobility and the smiles & giggles are the currency of choice in getting your heart's desires (especially from grandparents). You and your outfit are as cute as ever.(Glad to see you made good use of your dad's argyle socks)
Love, Grandma & Grandpa

lesdmd said...

Dearest Liev,
If you could only know the pleasure your blog brings your grandparents. Depending on who notices the posting first, the other usually hears giggling followed by "come in and see this". You are already a superstar at 4 months with better yet to come. Try to remember us little people and, of course, the pets along the way.
Much Love,
Grandma and Grandpa