

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Things have been...weird around here. Nobody seems to be themselves, me included. I don't really know how to explain it except to say check out these photos and see what you think.

Here I am:

Here's Mommy:

And here's Daddy:

See what I mean? I hope things get back to normal soon...



Unknown said...

Dear Liev,
I too hope that things go back to normal soon. Your Mom and Dad have never looked well in yellow, and the jury is still out on you. In addition to that, I miss hearing about your daily activities.

Love, Grandma

lesdmd said...

Dearest Liev,

For mom and dad,it appears they have lost some of those "tired lines" under their eyes - - - overall an improvement. For you, perfection cannot be improved upon. I love all three of you characters: in two and in three dimensions.
